About the Santa Ana Watershed Ambassador Program
CivicWell (formerly the Local Government Commission) hosted this workshop series to equip local policymakers in the Santa Ana River watershed with practical strategies and accessible tools to implement innovative solutions to their community’s water challenges.
The Certified Watershed Ambassador Program is offered at no-cost to local government staff and officials in the Santa Ana Watershed. This three-part program will provide valuable opportunities for participants to: connect with regional leaders; learn how California’s natural drought, fire, flood cycle has impacted water and land-use decisions; and strategize innovative solutions to their community’s water challenges. Each round addresses a different topic and include lectures and skill-based exercises to help participants frame better public policy questions and strengthen relational skills.
Who should attend?
Mayors, city council members, county supervisors, city managers, county commissioners, tribal representatives, elected board members of water districts, city and/or county staff, and other civic leaders involved in water and land-use planning within the watershed.
Ambassador Program for Local Policymakers and Leaders

Watershed Ambassador Virtual Mini-Series
What our Ambassadors say about the Program
The workshops gave me a solid understanding of the watershed as a whole ecosystem. The workshops also provided creative thinking opportunities to consider potential water conservation collaboration with other agencies and stakeholders. The main benefit for me as a fire marshal was the several conversations between and with water agencies and land use planners regarding our individual and collective interests in water, water use, water conservation, water distribution, and responsible management of the Santa Ana Watershed.
The workshop helped to elevate my awareness of the value of partnership and collaboration with others in my area working with water and other issues.
These workshops provide valuable, usable information and the opportunity to discover useful knowledge from others.
The workshop series raised my level of awareness and understanding as it relates to the significance of the watershed, and the complexity/ urgency of communicating with agencies and municipalities!
As a technical employee, I believe that this workshop helped me to realize the importance of communication and networking with both the public and other agencies to further environmental compliance actions within our Watershed. The breakout exercises helped me to “flex my social muscles” and the ability to work with others in my field for a greater benefit. I look forward to attending more workshops in the Watershed Ambassador Program series to build on this experience.
These workshops provide good basic knowledge as well as a new perspective on working with regional partners.
Santa Ana Watershed Region
One Water One Watershed (OWOW) Program
The “One Water One Watershed” (OWOW) Plan is the Santa Ana River Watershed’s integrated regional water management (IRWM) plan. This plan reflects a collaborative planning process that addresses all aspects of water resources in the watershed over a 20-year time horizon. A new suite of innovative approaches, lead with a water demand reduction strategy, instead of relying solely on continued imported water deliveries.

These approaches include multi-beneficial projects and programs that are linked together for improved synergy, proactive innovative, and sustainable solutions, using regional solutions supporting local reliability and local prioritization, watershed based project and programs that effectively leverage limited resources, promote trust and produce a greater bang for the buck, and integrates water supply, water quality, recycled water, stormwater management, water use efficiency, land use, energy, climate change, habitat, and disadvantaged communities and tribes.

Questions? Comments? We want to hear from you!

Angela Islas
Water Project Manager
CivicWell (formerly the Local Government Commission)
916-448-1198 x330