Intro | Resources
Agenda — June 19, 2014
7:30 AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
8:30 AM | Forum Welcome Video
9:00 AM | Morning Plenary – Working Together to Innovate and Implement: A Conversation with Our State Partners [CM 1.00]This plenary session will feature a facilitated discussion with key representatives from the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission, the California Air Resources Board and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. The purpose of this plenary is to provide local governments from across the state an opportunity to hear from key state agencies about the state’s energy and climate change policies and the important role local governments play in helping the state meet these climate and energy goals. Video | Notes PDF Moderator: Kate Meis, Executive Director, Local Government Commission
9:50 AM | Participant Table Discussion
10:15 AM | Participant Report Back |
10:45 AM | Networking Coffee Break |
11:15 AM | Concurrent Morning Breakout Sessions |
Breakout #1: It’s All About the Money: Everything You Need to Know about Residential Energy Efficiency Financing [CM 1.00]Financing plays a critical role in the success of residential energy efficiency programs. This breakout session will provide an overview of key residential energy efficiency financing options. Participants will learn about the Bay REN’s Multifamily Financing Product, residential PACE programs, On Bill Repayment, and private sector financing opportunities. Participants will walk away with a stronger understanding of the available residential financing products and their similarities and differences. Video Moderator: Neal DeSnoo, City of Berkeley
Breakout #2: Sparking Their Interest: Developing Successful Business Outreach and Engagement Campaigns [CM 1.00] This breakout session will provide attendees the opportunity to learn about developing business outreach and engagement campaigns. Participants will hear about successes and lesson learned from a marketing firm with experience in helping local governments develop business outreach campaigns, the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, and the Sierra Business Council. Moderator: Linda Pratt, City of San Diego
Breakout #3: “Hot Topics” at the CPUC, CEC, CARB, and OPR [CM 1.00] It can be challenging to stay up to date about all of the activities undertaken by State agencies. This breakout session will provide an overview of some of the “hot topics” at the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission, the California Air Resources Board and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss these topics in more depth following brief presentations. Moderator: Courtney Kalashian, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
12:30 PM | Networking Lunch and Discussion Tables
1:30 PM | Afternoon Plenary Session – Don’t Waste Your Energy: Adapting Our Energy System for a More Resilient Tomorrow [CM 1.00]Although California is actively working to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions to minimize the impacts of climate change, we must also acknowledge that our climate is already changing and that our governments and communities need to respond urgently in order to reduce the impacts the changing climate will cause. This facilitated dialogue will provide local governments the opportunity to learn more about the potential climate impacts on energy infrastructure, the role of energy efficiency in supporting resiliency in our communities, and the opportunity to marry mitigation and adaptation activities and see the long term resiliency benefits while also creating a more robust energy system. Local governments will also walk away with a better understanding of how they can support a more resilient energy system in their community.Moderator: Nicola Hedge, San Diego Foundation. Video
2:30 PM | Networking Coffee Break |
2:45 PM | Concurrent Afternoon Best Practices Breakouts |
Breakout #1: Every Drop Counts: Local Action to Save Energy, Water and Money [CM 1.00]Water related energy use accounts for approximately 19% of California’s electricity usage, emphasizing the opportunity to conserve energy through water efficiency measures. And with California facing an extreme drought, saving water is even more important to pursue. This breakout session will provide an overview of the water -‐ energy nexus, including a regulatory update, as well as share successes and lessons learned from local agencies that are implementing programs that aim to save both energy and water. VideoModerator: Rory Cox, California Public Utilities Commission Presentation PDF
Breakout #2: Getting to Zero in the Municipal Sector [CM 1.00] Pursuing zero net energy buildings is a critical strategy to help California reach its’ bold climate and energy goals. This breakout session will allow participants to learn more about, and discuss, pursuing zero net energy in the municipal sector, both through new construction as well as through the retrofit of existing buildings. It will also highlight the policies, activities, and strategies that local entities are utilizing to gain support and move toward more municipal ZNE buildings. Moderator: Cathy Fogel, California Public Utilities Commission
Breakout #3: Just Do It: Implementing Your Climate Action Plans [CM 1.00] Developing climate action plans is only the first step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions in your community. Once the plan is approved, local entities must begin the challenging and long -‐ term effort of implementing the plan. This session will provide participants the opportunity to hear about successes and lessons learned from communities across California who are in the process of implementing their climate action plans. Following these short presentations, participants will have the opportunity to engage in in -‐ depth table discussions to share their climate action plan implementation experiences. Moderator: Jillian Rich, Pacific Gas and Electronic Company
Breakout #4: Hot State, Cool Roofs: Working with the CEC and Utilities to Mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effect [CM 1.00] Urban Heat Islands can have significant health, economic, ecological and social impacts on our local communities. This session will highlight the benefits of Cool Roofs for mitigating Urban Heat Island effects, including an overview of the California Energy Commission’s review process for Locally Adopted Reach Codes, and will provide awareness of free technical assistance available to support locally adopted cool roof ordinances through the Statewide Codes & Standards Subprogram. Moderator: Javier Mariscal, Southern California Edison
4:00 PM | Open Networking |
5:00 PM | Adjourn |