Public Safety Power Shutoffs: Impacts for Local Governments

The recent Public Safety Power Shut-Offs were intended to avert the risk of fire caused by electrical infrastructure but created other risks, costs, and impacts.

The Local Government Commission (LGC) is conducting a brief survey of local governments to learn about the impacts of the Power Shut-Offs on your community, and communities around the State. Through LGC’s coalitions, publications, and events, the survey results will be used to inform LGC advocacy to help raise broad awareness about the challenges experienced by local governments in the face of Power Shut-Offs.

This brief survey should take no more than 10 minutes, and only asks for estimates and examples. Survey responses will be aggregated or used without attribution. Organizations will not be identified by name in any published results unless permission is provided.

Because this issue is front of mind for many leaders and policymakers, we are acting quickly and would like a response by November 14th. Please reach out to Margaret Bruce at should you have any questions.
